What is your Duty of Care . Are you compliant?

The duty of care applies to anyone who imports, produces, carries, keeps, treats, disposes of, or are a dealer or broker that has control of, controlled waste (referred to below for the purpose of this Code as a “waste holder”).

Being involved in recycling the Duty of Care legislationis pretty much second nature to most people. Surprisingly there are still a huge amount of companies in the UK, not necessarily in the recycling industry, that do not complying with the Duty of Care regulations, although when informed the were failing to comply the aspired to do so.

It is beneficial to all in recyling to point out to customers who may not be comply what action they should take to reuse, repair and recycle.  If it has to be disposed off it must be stored and labelled properly, in specialist containers if neded, acess by unauthorised personel must be prevented.  In short it must be kept safe until it is collected by a someone qualified and licenced to do so.

Once collected a waste transfer note needs to be completed.  To see the best way to complete a waste transfer note watch the video above.

If you need printed waste transfer notes, elv purchase receipts, hazardous waste consignment notes or other NCr documents - orders, vehicle check reports, etc.

Contact Wastenotes

Email: info@wastenotes.co.uk or call 07891 470268

May 2020

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Waste Transfer Notes


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